The store credit card can be used to make purchases only at a particular store. 这家商店的信用卡可以用来购物只在一个特定的商店。
Messages commonly contain information about the value of a transaction, where it originated ( which store or ATM), card account number, and bank sort code. 消息通常包含有关交易金额、交易的发起位置(商店或ATM)、卡帐号和银行代码的信息。
Developers should not store any data on a SIM card that does not need to be stored there. 开发人员不应该在SIM上存储不必要的数据。
Staff at the store recalled how the holiday hero swiped his card for customers who approached the till to cancel their orders, simply saying 'Merry Christmas' afterwards. 商场的工作人员回忆这位节日英雄为那些在收银台准备取消账单的购物者们刷卡买单的情形,每次刷完卡他就会说一句圣诞快乐。
Could I interest you in our store credit card? 您要不要办一张本店的会员卡?
Hi. I'd like to get your store credit card. 你好。我想办张你们店的会员卡。
I'm interested in a store credit card. 我对你们商店的会员卡很感兴趣。
You might say I'm going to buy something at store, and I want to use my credit card. 你可以说,我准备用信用卡在商店买东西。
But rarely have hackers breached a bank itself rather than the partners or retail outlets that often store large caches of those card numbers. 但黑客很少会直接攻击银行系统,而是更倾向于袭击那些存储大量信用卡号码的合作伙伴或零售商。
If you want to store more music, you can buy a bigger memory card. 假如你想储存更多的音乐,你只需买一张容量更大的记忆卡。
And now you can store even more data on a single thumb-sized flash memory card. 现在你也可以在一个拇指大小的闪存卡上存储更多数据。
The only way out of a debt crisis is to deal with your debts. That's why households are paying down their credit card and store card bills. 走出债务危机的唯一途径是处理好你自己的债务,这就是为什么各个家庭在支付他们的信用卡和商店账单。
Under the city's second annual Gun Buyback program which started on Saturday, residents surrendered their firearms in exchange for a grocery store gift card or a prepaid Visa card. “枪支回购计划”今年是第二年在洛杉矶进行,计划于周六开始启动,市民交出他们的枪支之后会得到一张杂货店的购物卡或者预先存了钱的维萨卡。
Instead, they store images on either a small removable memory card or on the memory chip inside the camera. 而是将图像储存在相机里一个可移动的内存卡上或内存芯片上。
At one point, she tried to pay for items at a retail store with her debit card, and the card was rejected. 有段时间,她去零售店买东西,用提款卡付账,提款卡被拒,用信用卡付账,信用卡也被拒。
In a stationery store, I quickly picked out a card for my wife for our anniversary. 在一家文具店,我很快地挑好了一张给妻子的结婚纪念卡片。
It allows you to record, play, edit and store your audio from any audio card. 它可以让您录制、播放、编辑及储存来自您的音效卡上的任意音频。
Emily: I'll use my store card. There's a ten-percent discount and I get six-months interest-free credit. 艾蜜莉:我要用这家购物中心的购物卡,因为可以打九折,还有六个月的无息分期付款。
If every time you go to the store, you take out your credit card and you just buy whatever you want, they are going to see that. 如果每次去商店,你总用信用卡大买特买,孩子们会看到的;所以你是无法教导孩子为将来省钱。
Would you like to receive our store credit card? 你需要我们商店里的会员卡吗?
Is this store a member store of this card? 这个商店是这张卡的连锁店吗?
Some states limit the types of information that a grocery store can collect from you when you register for a loyalty card. 当你为忠诚卡而注册时,部分洲限制食品店从你那里获得的信息之种类。
Financial Institute does with building account for Electronic Store and Customs and authority of credit card. 金融机构为商店和消费者开设账号,并且发放支付卡和处理支付卡的授权和支付事宜。
It has two level contents, which are the data storage model of the single IC card and the uniform data store model of any IC card. IC卡数据存储模型存在两个层次上的内容,首先是单张IC卡的数据存储模型,该模型可以以软件的方式描述同一种型号的多张IC卡;
This paper has put forward a kind of application method to store electronic road form with IC card in monitoring system for Bus Working on Schedule, the realization and design of hardware circuit and the programming of crucial software modular have introduced about entire installation. 本文提出了在公交车辆正点运营监控系统中采用IC卡存储电子路单的一种应用方法,介绍了整个装置硬件电路的设计与实现,关键软件模块的编程。
So, to store it in the bar code or IC card, it should be compressed. 要在条形码或IC卡中存储身份照片和其它个人信息(如:文字、指纹等信息),就必须对身份照片进行压缩。
Software is developed by VC++ 6.0.With the help of the software we can catch, process and store the image from the image acquirement card. 软件是在VC++6.0环境下开发,主要实现了图像捕捉、图像处理和数据库存储图像的功能。
Except showing result with the liquid crystal display directly, the weight scale can also store the final result in the IC card at the same time. 此体重测量仪除了直接用液晶显示器显示外,可以与PC机联接,还可以使用IC卡,将测得的结果存储在IC卡中。
The design and Realization of the installation to store electronic road form based on IC card 基于IC卡电子路单存储装置的设计与实现